Friday, June 27, 2014

Every Step I Take

It's four in the morning and I can't sleep
I toss and I turn my mind wants to think
In my heart I know the steps I have to make
I know it's important for every step I take

To much to process in the still of the night
I pray for some rest as I see the sunlight
In my mind I know the steps I have to make
I know it's vital for every step I take

A breath of fresh air could help me today
I cry out to God to show me the way
In my soul I know the steps I have to make
I know it's dedication for every step I take

I am deep in a valley but  have the mountain view
In a panic state I search for you or the clue
I bend till I'm broken but still feel no pain
The item I seek is my secret and true gain
Like a heart that beats steady I continue on
Standing faceless to realize only your gone
I struggle to climb  just to feel the wind blow
Falling done time after time but I still have to go
Blinded by glaring pathways I see ahead
Finally to the resting place that you said

Monica Caison
Honor of Austin Davis


  1. I never knew you wrote a blog and just read this for the first time. Thank you for sharing your heart and so much more and not just for Austin but for all the missing that you stand for. Love, Christy
