Monday, December 8, 2014

Another Mother Lives in Anguish

Yesterday I stood beside a mother in anguish experiencing the loss of a missing child; will their ever be a real justice for this crime that lingers on year after year? The pain and torment of the "not knowing" continues to affect families across the nation that suffer a missing loved one, as most move along in their daily task of no realization, until....IT HAPPENS TO THEM!

You see, as I write this blog another family somewhere in the world is reporting their loved one missing and their is just not enough real help. Yes, many fly over the Internet and share the post or pictures and every effort helps, but we have to do more. People need others to join them on the ground floor, stand beside them and offer some relief to the situation, something I have been saying for many years now.

In my devotion to the missing I have walked many miles searching places no one would go, visually have witnessed scenes that no loved one should ever have knowledge of, held a true broken soul until I was exhausted, heard the wales of a cry that rocked me to my core, but worse I have looked into the eyes of pure anguish, a mother seeking an answer "did you", find him/her? These things you can never experience unless you are there, involved and it is needed to understand the real hopelessness families are force to fight against.

December 7, 2014 was another one of those days that the ride home makes more difficult to endure, but it is a needed reminder. It's Christmas time and a mother cries out from the depths of her soul to the accused killers of her son and begs them for mercy, please tell me where my son is! This is what people have come to in this world, we have to beg the killers for mercy, this angers me greatly. Once a person has a missing loved one they will loose or find a renewed faith, they will learn to bargin, they will feel a complete desparation, and so much more; one thing all families will do is beg for a relief from the unknown state they are living in. This is why I and many like me, have dedicated their life too - no matter what it takes, find a releif for these familes, communities and those that love the missing person.

So here we all are, standning on roadways, parking lots, store fronts, front yards holding a sign and telling the world of the missing person and embracing another community, professing our faith as we light another candle in hope it will bring a light to our darkest paths ahead. The question is now, will you join us?


Monica Caison LYMI (volunteer now)

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