In the past few days I have been reminder of how life is not secure and the very fabric of what we believe in can shatter without warning or notice of any kind. I have learned and witnessed that justice is serve to those who are elected at that time, and that time only! But why is this? We as the community do have a voice, and the right to be a voice, so why are we stopped by others who do not agree; more importantly why don't they agree? I find myself looking out a window and my mind flows far away as I drift through memory after memory trying to locate an answer. I found none.
My conclusion, their are just people who live life only if they can feed on others and rip away slowly at what people believe just for the pure satisfaction of feeling accomplished, if that can even make any sense. So, I throw the file across the room in a fit of anger and curse all those who are responsible, it's not always those who caused the initial crime either, it is those who are all responsible. Later, picking up my mess, I begin to read as I sit on the floor finding things that make me recall why the missing are so important and need the help, I find myself ashamed for doubting myself and for a moment loosing my voice, maybe even my will; it won't happen again.
Someone sent me this song attached to a missing persons slide show and as I listen to the words and melody I recovered strength once again. No one has the right to try to change the facts and mask the truth. This is what crime is all about, the criminal silencing the victim, so what do we call others who bring forth silence? If you get a chance, listen.
Then I laugh, moments later someone did a post saying something like "Throw me to the wolves and I will return with the pack", I guess that is somewhat true when your fighting for the victim. This is what people will not understand when families of the missing feel like they are losing the battle for their loved one, they owe nothing to anyone; those who are guest on the journey of a case are human and forget they are a guest. Yes, something to think about.
T - Teamwork
R - Resolution
U - Unity
S - Sacrifice
T - Truth
I was taught to always believe that the truth was first and by far most important, so my thought today is why then when the truth comes forth do so many begin to run around in circles to find a dark place to tuck it away? Truth cannot be forbidden, can it?
Instantly, I am reminded of the game of ask what? Yes, where the ball rolling comes and knocks every pin down, the one pin is standing alone to shine under the light for like two seconds; then all of a sudden here comes the metal piece knocking that one pin over and pushing it back to the pile, never to be noticed again until the next round. I realize briefly these pins belong together or the game would not exist and furthermore they are all alike, none different. It reminds me somewhat of people and life's lessons.
Then, I think of the players concept of the win. The players objective is to keep knocking those pins down just to achieve points ultimately to win, right? Here's the question I have, no matter how many times the player continues to knock down the pins do they not realize the pins get reassembled and come back again, time after time? So thinking about this game, I wonder is it points a person desires? Is it the challenge of knocking them down which becomes the thrill? This is truly something one day I hope to understand. I never have liked that game.
Well, I guess I will close with a quote and oath I took in life.
“I offer myself to those who have nowhere else to turn. These desperate people who ask for my help have unique situations. Yet, however unique, they are bound together with the commonality of being the loved one of a missing person.” Monica Caison
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